Weather Forecasting Awareness Camps For Farmers
Any developing country like ours cannot become developed without the development of its rural base. For a country like India, where almost sixty percent of the country’s population lives in primitive conditions, it becomes even more important. This development is possible through technological advancement in the nation. This advancement can be channelized to improve scientific literacy as well, which is a major obstacle in the path of development.Science and technology, especially Earth Science & technology including Atmospheric and Meteorological Science & technology etc are being used as an effective instrument of growth and change the world over. It is being brought into the mainstream of economic planning in the sector of agriculture, industry and services.
Adoption of improved agriculture technology along provision of timely and adequate inputs such as rainfall, cyclone, hail storm, dry spell, drought, heat wave, cold wave, fertilizer, seeds, pesticides, and all by making available affordable agriculture credit/crop insurance, Indian farmers are going to ensure food and nutritional security to the Nation. An efficient use of available climatic resources, besides soil and water resources minimizes the adverse effect and of extreme weather and makes benefit of favorable weather. Weather services provide a very special kind of inputs to the farmer as advisories that can make a tremendous difference to the agriculture production by talking the advantage of benevolent weather and minimize the adverse impact of malevolent weather.
In order to improve the understanding of earth science including the same for atmospheric science literacy through direct interactions with the rural people and the to create awareness about usefulness of weather/climate information and other agro met advisory services among the farming community, Hamraah Foundations organizes Awareness Camps for Farmers in Rural Areas.