Hamraah foundation is a non-government organization, registered under society registration Act 1860. The foundation is also registered under 12A, 80G, Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA) and NITI Aayog, Government of India.The Society has been recognized as having Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council,NGO Branch of United Nations since 2018.
Hamraah Foundation envisioned providing a platform for underprivileged and most vulnerable section of society, especially the children, youth and adults, through the focus intervention in terms of providing quality education, access to information, awareness campaigns and health campaign. The main focus of the society is on the overall development of children and youth through innovative methods of teaching, involving them in the innovative practices/activities and creating and promoting a model of sustainable development in terms of livelihood, security, better health and safe environment.
We believe that quality education is the most important tool to improve people’s lives and education is a fundamental human right that promotes all other social, economic, cultural, political and civil rights. Furthermore, formal, non-formal and informal education and lifelong learning opportunities play a vital role in transforming self and societies towards the common good. The learning opportunities for all, irrespective of caste, class, gender and ethnicity as it is reiterated by the Education 2030 Agenda and Agenda Leaving no-one behind is at the core of Sustainable Development Goal 4 through its emphasis on equitable and inclusive education, and entails that everyone must be able to access and complete a full cycle of quality and free education. This right of all students and learners to realise their full educational potential must start at birth and continue through all stages of life, including early childhood, primary education, lower and upper secondary education, higher education and beyond, in the context of lifelong learning and growing crises and conflicts, the right to education must be especially ensured for those most affected: marginalized children, youth and adults.
Since Hamraah Foundation largely works with the children, youths and adults at the very grassroots level and as an growing needs of the communities, we envisage setting up a Hamraah Training and Learning Resource Center, where the underprivileged children and youths can be supported with parallel subsidiary classes, library, internet facilities and basic assistance in terms of scholarship based on their performance and achievement in their academics, professional courses and skills training.