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World AIDS Day is celebrated on the 1st of December every year. This international day is dedicated to raising awareness about this disease called AIDS caused by HIV virus. On this day many non-government organisations, public health officials and even many individuals take initiative to spread awareness about AIDS.
AIDS which stands short for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is caused by the virus HIV (human immunodeficiency syndrome), where the immune system of the body deteriorates and eventually causes death. It is one of the most deadly diseases in the history of mankind for which no cure has been found till date. Though early diagnosis at the initial stages can turn out to be helpful.
Hamraah foundation celebrates World AIDS Day where people especially from the slum areas are made to gather and take part in awareness sessions. They are given information about the sources by which HIV virus is transmitted, the symptoms of AIDS and also about the various HIV detection tests performed in hospitals. Emphasis is laid on getting general health check-ups done at least once a year to see if they are positive for HIV or not (and also to know the probability of them getting other diseases). Sometimes it so happens that a person who had been infected with HIV virus may not develop AIDS even in the later stages of his life, so if a person is found to be HIV positive, he can be treated so that he never gets AIDS at all (though the person will still remain HIV positive).
In a country like India where superstitions and blind beliefs rule over science and facts, HIV positive people very often are treated as outcasts in the society. This leads them to go through a lot of psychological trauma. To avoid situations like these, Hamraah foundation considers it necessary to educate people about the ways through which HIV will not or cannot spread. It’s important for people in the society to have a broad mind set.